Sunny Crafty Soiree!
IMAGINE: 🌞 A sunny Friday night in late summer… 🌻 A paddock full of sunflowers… 🎨 Long tables covered in art supplies… 🖌️ A couple of...

10 Years of My Crafternoons - Workshop List!
Full list of craft workshops and handmade creations whipped up at My Crafternoons

Everything Eco-Dyeing 🍃
Our weekend workshop with Tine Brok of Lucy Redd Raw Ecodyes was just wonderful! A wealth of information and passion, Tine not only...

Eco Dyeing Crafternoon
This month we’re collaborating with the lovely Tine Brok of Eucy Redd Raw Ecodyes for a hands-on Crafternoon on botanical eco dyeing!...

Felting Fun!
Our knowledgeable and super passionate Russian tutor Lucy Stocks did an amazing job of teaching our crafty gang everything she knew about...

Intro to Felting Crafternoon
Come and discover the fascinating world of felt in this beginner-friendly Intro to Felting Crafternoon on Sunday 27th May from 2-5pm!...

Crazy for Kombucha!
Our weekend's workshop with the incredible knowledgeable and lovely Hayley Dawson was a roaring success- not only did we have a relaxed...

Kombucha Crafternoon!
Sun 25th Feb 2-4pm, Hamilton Institute of Rural Learning Come and join us for relaxed afternoon learning about all things gut health and...

Fibre Fun in the Sun!
The Intro to Wool Workshop we ran on Sunday was a really fun, interactive and genuinely informative afternoon learning everything there...

Intro to Wool Workshop
This month's workshop on Sunday 21st is all about the wonderful fibre that the Western District is famous for: WOOL! From 2-5pm you'll...